2024 NextAxiom Training
NextAxiom will provide two 4-hour training tracks on Thursday afternoon, June 6 from 1:00 pm – 5:00 pm, after the conference ends. The tracks will run concurrently, so only register for one. Complete agenda for both topics will be published soon. Lunch will be provided.

Dynamic Instruction Authoring Training
You will receive instruction on best practices for advanced authoring scenarios such as conditional actions, repeatable sections, data summarization and services integration.

HyperService Development Training
You will receive advanced training in Hyperservice Studio, with concentration on how to build services, and expose them to the DWEP authoring tool for drag-and-drop integrations from Dynamic Instructions, Forms and Workflows
Introducing the
Dynamic Work
Execution Platform®
The DWEP accelerates digital transformation by guiding your existing work processes through computer-guided instructions and integrated forms driven by dynamic workflows on a platform designed for continuous improvement. Organizations achieve global awareness across all work processes with granular visibility of current state and cycle times of every instance of work executed and managed through DWEP.
The NextAxiom DWEP technology incrementally transforms the existing workforce across a large organization into a digital workforce. DWEP is the culmination of patent-pending NextAxiom technology with more than ten years of field experience in the nuclear industry focused on automating work processes. This is augmented by over seven years of human factors research around the Computer-Based Procedure (CBP) initiative from Idaho National Laboratory (INL) and the US Department of Energy.