Do Even More With The hyperService® Platform

Enterprise Integration
The hyperService® Platform provides a different and simplified approach to software integration that is based on abstracting the functions of each software application as a universal, in-memory building block at the lowest level of the integration stack through APIs. These in-memory building blocks are then graphically connected together to dispatch application functions and flow data from one application to another while easily applying the required integration logic in a homogenous environment.
Automatic SOA
Business programmers using the hyperService® Platform simply focus on building graphical application and integration solutions knowing that every in-memory building block of a hyperService® solution automatically inherits a SOA architecture and can be externally accessed as a Web Service. All Enterprise Service Bus (ESB) functionality, major Web Service standards (RESTful and SOAP/WSDL), and security standards (from X509 certificates to SAML) are incorporated at the heart of the hyperService® Virtual Machine (SVM). All hyperService® solutions inherently benefit from molecular, built-in SOA that performs at in-memory speeds. Each hyperService® building block within a solution is automatically available as a Web Service operation to external applications. Conversely, every third-party Web Service operation is automatically componentized as an in-memory hyperService® out-of-the-box.

Unified Management
Because hyperServices® are fully managed building blocks at runtime and they can represent functions from any application or system, one of the applications of the hyperService® Platform is in creating a unified management layer that can span the entire software portfolio of an organization. This especially makes sense when the hyperService® Platform is used for software unification across the enterprise. This unified management layer enables you to govern and control access to applications at a functional level and includes granular metering, monitoring, logging, security and account provisioning as well as performance features such as caching in an elastic and scalable environment.
Enterprise Mobility
The hyperService® platform provides the easiest way to connect any mobile user experience solution, such as mobile application screens, to any backend enterprise application at a functional level. Because hyperService® are automatically served as Web Services (through WSDL/SOAP and REST protocol), any mobile user experience platform can easily access hyperService-enabled functionality as standard-based functional building blocks. These building blocks can provide secure and managed access to any legacy system with standard or proprietary APIs.

Cloud-enabled Solutions
hyperServices® are location-transparent and that means applications or integration solutions built with hyperService® building blocks can transparently run on-premise or in the cloud. In fact, once an existing application is hyperService-enabled, the functions of that application can be used to fuel your cloud integration and application development initiatives while those applications still run on-premise. In this way, hyperServices® provide the most non-intrusive and fastest approach to cloud-enabling your existing legacy systems and building new solutions that are location-transparent. These new solutions do not require any additional middleware to run since hyperService® virtual machine provides all the functionality of traditional middleware.
Composite Applications
Composite applications are solutions that access functions from two or more existing applications. With the hyperService® platform, creating a new composite application on top of multiple existing applications is as easy as programming on top of a single application. The composite solutions built with the hyperService® platform are high-performance and manageable. In fact, graphically assembled composite applications using hyperServices® often outperform hand coded written in lower-level programming paradigms such as Java or C#. This is due to the better memory management and extensive use of lookup tables and object recycling techniques inside of the hyperService® Virtual Machine.

Process Automation
A hyperService® enabled application or system provides a set of hyperServices® representing discrete business or system functions from the application. Those hyperServices® effectively represent the granular steps of related business processes and can be graphically sequenced to automate processes within and across hyperService-enabled systems.
Legacy Modernization
Take a leap in modernization by simply hyperService-enabling any legacy application. By hyperService-enabling a legacy application, the functions from that application can be securely accessed in the cloud, through a mobile application, as a Web Service or as part of a horizontal process automation solution. Furthermore, hyperService-enabled Legacy applications automatically result in an SOA and exposable Web Services for application integration. With hyperService® platform, most legacy system with any proprietary or standard-based API can be modernized in less than eight weeks using a single developer. Legacy modernization through hyperServices® is non-intrusive since it does not require any modification to the legacy system itself. Once the functions of the legacy application are hyperService-enabled, all new development will happen inside of the hyperService® layer minimizing the maintenance cost of the legacy system.

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