hyperServices® Defined
hyperServices® are universal programming building blocks. They either virtualize and reuse existing application functionality (through atomic hyperServices®) or define new application functionality (through composite hyperServices®). Programmers can create new composite hyperServices® by visually snapping together atomic and other composite hyperServices® and adding new business logic.
Any user experience platform such as a mobile device or a web browser, business platforms such as BI and BPM, or SaaS/Cloud applications may reuse these hyperService® building blocks to provide new application functionality. Simply stated, atomic hyperServices® serve as basic functional building blocks that virtualize underlying systems, while composite hyperServices® apply intelligence as they orchestrate the real-time flow of information to and from application functions.

a hyperService® is a universal building block that can represent any application or system function, regardless of the underlying architecture. This property enables hyperServices® to transform functions from heterogeneous systems into homogenous building blocks, thus eliminating application silos.
a hyperService® is a virtualized programming building block that is transparently distributed across cores, servers and datacenters whether on-premise or in the cloud. For example, once an on-premise application function is represented as a hyperService®, it can be accessed seamlessly from the cloud or a mobile device.

Automatic SOA
any hyperService® can be consumed as a standards-based Web Service operation by external applications, and vice-versa, any external Web Service operation can be consumed automatically as a managed hyperService®. A hyperService® solution is composed of in-memory hyperServices® all the way down the solution stack and is inherently service-oriented at both design-time and runtime.
atomic and composite hyperServices® are described as XML metadata at design-time and are interpreted by the high-performance hyperService® Virtual Machine at runtime. Because solutions are truly metadata-driven, and code is never generated, solution maintenance and deployments are refreshingly simple.

Automatically Multi-tasked Across Multi-cores
during runtime, the hyperService® Virtual Machine automatically multi-tasks child hyperServices® that can run in parallel down the entire execution stack. Because a composite hyperService® can contain other composite hyperServices® to any level of depth, the opportunities for granular multi-tasking are abundant and the resulting performance gains are often remarkable.
Fully Managed
hyperServices® are fully managed building blocks that are automatically secured, traced, logged, monitored, metered, provisioned and governed. Any hyperService® can also be automatically cached or scheduled. With hyperService® solutions, management and instrumentation is not an afterthought; it is built-into the core of the hyperService® Virtual machine.

Semantic and Visual
hyperServices® are developed in a visual and graphical environment with semantic programming constructs. While a hyperService® is a visual component, it can be consumed through the standards-based Web Service protocols or made available as an object in environments such as Java application servers. This semantic environment drops the technical barrier for business-focused programming; it systematically automates redundant programming tasks and allows the developer to focus on the solution.
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